ID | Interpret | Skladba | Album | |
1. | Ralph Hiatt | Training Aviation Mechanics and Commercial Pilots | HPR Points of Contact | |
2. | Ralph Hiatt | Training Aviation Mechanics and Commercial Pilots | HPR Points of Contact | |
3. | Dr. Todd Curtis | Risks from Incapacitated Pilots and Pilots Who May Deliberately Crash Airplanes | The Conversation at | |
4. | Chris May | Better Incident Response through Scenario-Based Training - Part 2: Training Geographically Distributed Teams: CERT’s XNET | CERT's Podcasts for Business Leaders | |
5. | NACHO PATROL aka LEGOWELT | Hippo Aviation | The Africa Jet Band | |
6. | Friends of the Earth | Aviation: Planning Disaster | | |
7. | Friends of the Earth | Aviation: Planning Disaster | | |
8. | Goldfrapp | Pilots | Felt Mountain | |
9. | Goldfrapp | Pilots | Felt Mountain | |
10. | Goldfrapp | Pilots | Felt Mountain | |
11. | Radio E | World’s worst aviation disas | Network Europe | |
12. | Stop Stansted Expansion, Friends of the Earth | Aviation Planning Disaster Special | | |
13. | Gov Mitch Daniels | State Sells Surplus Aviation | | |
14. | Just Charlie | Downtempo Pilots | | |
15. | Mark Twain | 15 The Pilots' Monopoly | Life on the Mississippi | |
16. | Mark Twain | 15 The Pilots' Monopoly | Life on the Mississippi | |
17. | Dr. Bruce Chien, M.D., Senior Aviation Medical Examiner | AMEcast #001 - 2006.12.13 - The Difficult Aviation Medical | AMEcast | |
18. | Brian Fisher | Admiral Faragut Academy: Leadership, Learning and Aviation | Boarding School Podcast | |
19. | Dr. Todd Curtis | Significant Aviation Safety and Security Events for 2005 | The Conversation at | |
20. | Robert D. Kaplan | Hog Pilots, Blue Water Grunts | | |
21. | kal-el | Stone Temple Pilots - Vasoline | kal-el's podcast | |
22. | Robert D. Kaplan | Hog Pilots, Blue Water Grunts | | |
23. | kal-el | Stone Temple Pilots - Half The Man I Use To Be | kal-el's podcast | |
24. | delivered by Bill Pullman | Independence Day: President's Address to the U.S. Fighter Pilots | | |
25. | Unknown Artist | rock Sex Type Thing - Stone Temple Pilots | Darscot Setlist Volume 1 | |
26. | President George W. Bush | President Bush Discusses Aviation Congestion and Transportation Safety - November 18, 2008 | Presidential Speeches & Remarks | |
27. | delivered by Robert Duvall | Bull Meechum Addresses Fighter Pilots of the U.S. Marine Corps Attack Squadron-312 | | |
28. | free sound collective | Mechanics | quantum relaxation | |
29. | free sound collective | Mechanics | quantum relaxation | |
30. | Atesh K. | Mechanics of love | VA - OAB Mittwinterkollektion | |